Services and Solutions


According to the Free Dictionary by Farlex, the word DRIVE has the following definitions:


1. To push, propel, or press onward forcibly; urge forward.
2. To guide, control, or direct (a vehicle).
3. To supply the motive force or power to and cause to function.

There are thousands of excuses for neglecting your BRAND. At YJMM we have heard them all:

  • “My customers already know about me…”
  • “I’m already getting a thousand “HITS” on my website a day.”
  • “My website is just informative. I can’t sell anything on it.”
  • “What’s SEO?”
  • “My reputation is driving people to my products. Word of mouth is how I get new buisiness.”

WORD OF MOUTH Fortunately for some, and very unfortunately for others GOOGLE is your reputation…it’s the WORD OF MOUTH of the internet age. When your name gets around to that perfect prospect, by way of Word Of Mouth or other, how is that prospect going to get information about you? Chances are good that the prospect is going to type your company name into GOOGLE.

What will they find? Will they find a well designed, informative website that gives that perfect prospect all of the answers he is looking for and a reason to buy from you? Or will he find an electronic brochure with your logo and phone number?

Try it.

Type your company name into GOOGLE. You may have even done it recently, but it changes constantly. You may be surprised at what you get. In fact, type in different spellings of your company name. Add a city, zip code or state. Remember, this perfect prospect could have just heard your name from a colleague. He may not know anything but your name. Or, he may just be aware of your product and your location. There are hundreds of combinations.

What kind of searches is your website coming up under? Or… is it coming up at all?

YJMM can improve your findablity on the internet.

Our goal is to create content, create a BRAND that can increase references to your company, in turn driving revenue to your bottom line.

A good DRIVE program can include:

YJMM can help you identify the RIGHT AUDIENCE, and put together a plan of action that can get that audience to your website.


According to the Free Dictionary by Farlex, the word CONVERT has the following definitions:

1. To change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product; transform
2. To change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another; adapt to a new or different purpose
3. To persuade or induce to adopt a belief

Can your website “change” a prospect into a customer? Can your website give specifics on the products your visitors are looking for? Can your website set you apart from your competitors? Does your website entice prospects and customers to come back? Does it clearly represent who you are?

A web user has a method he or she uses when he or she gets to a website. First the user will VERIFY that he is on the right website. Is it easy for your users to VERIFY what you do?

Next he will SEARCH for the specific piece of information he needs. Does your website make it easy for your user to SEARCH for what he is looking for?

After he finds what he is looking for, he will EVALUATE this information to consider it for his needs. Can your website provide enough information for your user to EVALUATE your product or capability?

Last he will TAKE ACTION to get more information. He will want to print the page, send it to a collegue, email you or call you. Do you have ACTION ITEMS items on every page of your website?

Can your website offer ease through all of these steps? If your user is frustrated with any one of these steps, he is likely to hit the BACK BUTTON. Which step is stopping your visitors from contacting you?

YJMM has more experience designing and building INDUSTRIAL WEBSITES than any other company in Central Kentucky and can help you increase your CONVERSIONS by utilizing the following services:


According to the Free Dictionary by Farlex, the word Measure has the following definitions:


1. A device used for measuring.
2. The act of measuring.
3. An evaluation or a basis of comparison.

How does MEASURE apply to your website? MEASUREMENT is perhaps the most important component of making yourself STAND OUT… and it’s often the component of your website that is most neglected.

You can spend tens of thousands of dollars on your website, on PPC, on SEO, but what good is that to you when you don’t know exactly who is getting there, how they are getting there, and what they are doing once they get there? You may be able to tell how many “hits” you are getting, but what does that actually mean, and how is that going to help you sell your product?

A good tracking device is able to tell you many things:

  • Traffic Trends— Did your traffic spike during your Trade Show?
  • Referrers- Which websites or search engines sent the most traffic to your website?
  • Page Popularity- What pages on your website are being used the most? Are your visitors getting past the home page?
  • Search Terms- Which search terms are sending the most traffic to your website? Is your “Pay Per Click” campaign working? Is your website Search Engine Optimized?
  • Branding Trends— How is your known audience searching for you? Are they typing in your company name? Are they typing in your website address? Are they GOOGLING you or your products?
  • Specific Audience- What companies are searching for you? Is it your current customer base searching for you, or is it an audience that doesn’t know you?
  • Budget Analysis- How has your traffic improved, in quality and quantity, since the implementation of your last marketing effort?

YJMM can offer tracking that will tell you all of these things…and lots more. In some cases, tracking is the first step. We will work with you to analyze your traffic so you can manage your marketing better.

After all, you can’t manage what you can’t measure!

“The use of WEBTRAX has been very beneficial for us here at NEUTECH Packaging Systems for the following reasons:”

  1. We get to review daily activity on our web site which allows us to see what potential customers are searching for and the number of page views during their visit
  2. We can change our key search words based on the WEBTRAX activity
  3. WEBTRAX allows us to see who contacted us via what search engine
  4. WEBTRAX has allowed us to make smarter decisions on how we go to market and changes that must be made to our web site in order to attract more customers
Dave Neuer, Owner NEUTECH Packaging Systems

All Services and Solutions

facebook_like_button_bigfacebook_like_button_bigfacebook_like_button_bigh4. Drive Products:

  • Social Media Campaign Setup and Maintainance: Monthly maintenance including research, authoring, and posting to WordPress Blog Site, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube.
  • Search Engine Optimization* : SEO is a very important aspect of your marketing mix. Without it, your audience from the Search Engines will be only the people who already know you. IE: The people who already know your name. Good SEO allows web users to find you when they are looking for your PRODUCTS, as well as your name. YJMM can evaluate your website and implement an SEO program that gets you found!
  • Directory Sites: Sometimes internet users will bypass Search Engines entirely and begin their search on a VERTICAL SITE, or a Directory Site. Your audience from a Directory Site is highly targeted and motivated to buy. They are likely working/ sourcing while they are using the site. They expect quality content and easy to access information. Your website will be the information source for this audience. Targeting the deliberate and specific audience means quality visitors to your site.
  • Pay Per Click: A PPC campaign can quickly increase your exposure to a very specified and qualified audience on Search Engines. Sometimes PPC is used to “fill in the holes” of your SEO effort, sometimes it is used to increase references to your website on top of your SEO effort. YJMM can implement and manage your PPC campaign.
  • News Releases: News is a great way to keep your customers and prospects informed of what’s new in your company. It’s a great way to keep your website fresh and current. It’s a great way to continually BRAND your company. News Releases on your company are a great way to increase clicks to your website. YJMM independently represents, and can put together a program that can produce RESULTS!
  • Newsletters: How do you keep your company in front of your customers and prospects when they are not seeking you out? A Newsletter can energize your customer base with timely company and industry news, interesting insight from a valued employee, a clever puzzle or tidbit. YJMM can put together a printed and/or E-mailed Newsletter that your customers will love and anticipate.
  • Tradeshow Management: Includes Show Registration & Services Set Up Preparing, shipping booth & materials, ordering material handling, electrical etc… Show Logistics: Includes arranging transportation, lodging, meals, etc…
  • Promotional Products: Use your BRAND to give some interesting and unique gifts. Use your BRAND to build name recognition. Promotional products can ingrain your company’s name into the minds of your customers and prospects. YJMM can handle your Promotional Products needs.

Conversion Products:

  • Homepage & Website Consulting: YJMM has more experience designing and building INDUSTRIAL WEBSITES than any other company in Central Kentucky. Some questions to ask: What does your website say about you? What is it saying to your customers and prospects? Does it need a facelift? YJMM can evaluate your website based on your Customer Base and make recommendations to make your website “speak to your customers,” and create a revenue stream!
  • Website Creation, Hosting: Don’t have a website? Is your website out of date? How are you competing? INDUSTRIAL & Commercial WEBSITES are our specialty! YJMM has more experience designing and building INDUSTRIAL WEBSITES than any other company in Central Kentucky. Your website can be your most powerful business tool. It is where buyers look first to make specifying and purchasing decisions. Call us today to begin planning your new revenue stream!

Measurement Products:

  • YJMM offers a website tracking modules and training that will help you manage your website traffic, before and after your new marketing techniques are put into place. Tracking can give you information on the following:
  • Traffic Trends— Did your traffic spike during your Trade Show?
  • Referrers- Which websites or search engines sent the most traffic to your website?
  • Page Popularity- What pages on your website are being used the most? Are your visitors getting past the home page?
  • Search Terms- Which search terms are sending the most traffic to your website? Is your “Pay Per Click” campaign working? Is your website Search Engine Optimized?
  • Branding Trends— How is your known audience searching for you? Are they typing in your company name? Are they typing in your website address? Are they GOOGLING you or your products?
  • Specific Audience- What companies are searching for you? Is it your current customer base searching for you, or is it an audience that doesn’t know you?
  • Budget Analysis- How has your traffic improved, in quality and quantity, since the implementation of your last marketing effort?